
Saturday, October 29, 2016

Happy National Cat Day!

In honor our National Cat Day I wanted to share a few pictures of my furry feline family. My hubby and I have no human children, but we love our kitties!!! They make life interesting. I'm starting this post with a photo found online of an irritated kitten with the perfect caption for the photo and my life. I will never profess to being a morning person.

This is a photo of our oldest and she is a big girl, long and pudgy. She was born at my parent's house, her mother was rescued as a kitten from the middle of a country road by my brother. When older the mother had a litter of kittens and she is the one who picked us. We weren't looking to get a kitty when we brought her home in May 2005. She was just too cute and feel asleep in my hubby's arms, that's all it took. If she sees food she eats it, no restraint. She does have a little attitude and has become pretty cranky in her senior years.

Our middle kitty was adopted from a shelter in March 2014. He is very mild mannered and just as sweet as can be. He loves playing with his glitter balls and having his belly rubbed. After a couple of months we felt he was lonely because sister didn't want to play, so we adopted another cat. 

Our youngest is full of personality!!! He is constantly into something or wants our attention. We found him at our veterinarian's office. A family adopted him and at 5 months returned him because of a family tragedy that left them unable to care for him. All the changes must have been traumatic for him because the first few months we had him we honestly didn't know if we could handle him. He has separation anxiety and was extremely active. Now that he has settled in and we have a routine he has calmed down. He is now the most affectionate cat we have ever had, he will groom his brother and loves to snuggle at my legs when I sleep. He definitely adds interest and entertainment to our lives.

This final photo is all three of them waiting on me to give them their food bowls. If you were to ask them what I could do to improve, they would probably prefer their meal quicker.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your day!


  1. That meme is so funny and your cats are gorgeous!! Yes, your old lady kitty looks like she might say "You can pet me, as long as you don't touch me!" :) Thanks for introducing us to your kitties!

    Thanks so much for making a special World Cat Day post!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  2. What a great fur family! Love the MEME, too! (USA - dcomer1 gmail)

  3. I enjoyed seeing your kitties, Andrea! They are all soooooo cute! Love the white bellies - so great for bellyrubs! You even captured a shot of them all together - that is not easy!

  4. Awwww! What a great family of kitties! Thank you for rescuing them.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Wishing you a crafty day! 😊