
Friday, December 28, 2018

Saying Good-bye to Jessi

This morning I was saddened to hear that Jessi Fogan from OneCraftyMama passed away. She was always supportive of my creativity and I enjoyed her sense of humor. Her diverse work was inspiring and I was always amazed at her beautiful quilling skills and use of buttons. We crossed paths at Tuesday Morning Sketches and Shopping Our Stash challenge blogs. I always looked forward to her next creation. Her struggle the past several months was heart wrenching. When she shared details of her health decline I found myself amazed by her strength and in disbelief that there was nothing to help her. My prayers are with her family and friends. I was blessed that our lives crossed paths and her story has left a lasting imprint on my heart.

1 comment:

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Wishing you a crafty day! 😊