
Monday, September 3, 2018

Pastel Birthday Wishes Card

Hello and happy Labor Day! Before my craft room turns completely Fall I decided to make this Pastel Birthday Wishes Card using the Bo Bunny Early Bird patterned paper collection. I found a great deal on the 6 x 6 pads last week and I bought a couple extras to giveaway! So, if you're a follower of my blog and you comment on this post, two lucky winners will receive the Bo Bunny paper pad from me. Winners to be announced in a couple of weeks.

The image on this card is by Bugaboo Stamps and it's called Flower Teapot. It was already printed and die cut, just waiting on my craft desk to be used. I thought the teapot goes well with the patterned papers, so I colored it with Copic markers and made it the focal image. A little Blushing Bride stamped butterfly was added along with the birthday sentiment both retired by Stampin' Up!. That's it! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the Labor Day holiday!

This Pastel Birthday Wishes Card is entered into the following challenges:

Bo Bunny paper pad giveaway!


  1. love your colouring on the beautiful digi, the papers are perfect with it, and for saying good-bye to summer

  2. So happy that you have linked your great artwork with us here at Pause Dream Enjoy. Good luck hun and do come back again!

  3. Andrea, this is beautiful. Love the pastel colors. Thanks for joining in the Catch the Bug Anything Goes Challenge, Lisa Lynn DT.

  4. That is really sweet! I'm not ready for fall yet either!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Wishing you a crafty day! 😊