
Thursday, May 11, 2017

Hot Dog Birthday Card

The month of May is busy with birthdays in my family. It all starts this weekend with my dad's birthday. I wanted his card to be different from previous years. So when I found this stamp set called Frank the Fun Dog by Unity Stamps I ordered it. This Hot Dog Birthday Card is what I made for my him. Copic markers were used to color the image and then it was fussy cut. Once I had the layout arranged and the hot dog placed, I decided he needed a party hat. Luckily, I found one in a stamp set from Newton's Nook that was the perfect size. Three sequins were the final touch and this card was done.

This Hot Dog Birthday Card is entered into the following challenges:
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your day!


  1. Such a fun card! The papers lend to the huge smile factor this cute little hotdog has! Thanks for joining us this week at CRAFT Challenge!

  2. Love your fabulous and fun can never go wrong with a hot dog in my book! Thank you so much for taking the time to play along with us at ATSM!

  3. such a fab fun card and thanks for sharing at craft this week good luck and hope to see you join us for our new challenge Thursday

  4. What a great graphic - love the hotdog with a hat! This card would work for all ages - especially guys!

  5. Oh cute Image Andrea
    and love the layout too
    nice color combo
    sweet card
    Many thanks to joining with us this time at ATSM
    Monika (DT)

  6. This is so cute! A hot dog for a birthday is perfect :) Thanks for joining in at STB.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Wishing you a crafty day! 😊