
Thursday, February 27, 2014

It's LOVE Challenge Winner

There were so many wonderful cards entered in our It's LOVE Challenge. Thanks to everyone who played along. The winner of the challenge was chosen by a random drawing and the winner is....

The delicate details on Gail's card are truly a work of art. So very pretty!!! I will send you an email to request your mailing address for the challenge prize.

Check back tomorrow for a new photo inspiration challenge.

1 comment:

  1. OMG OMG OMG OMG .. The valentine for my husband won! OMG this is so cool...wait till I tell him...maybe he'll let me put it in a plastic sleeve and tack it to the wall over his desk. OMG I am jumping up and down and can hardly type. I am so thrilled. Thank you so very much for the honor of picking my card for this challenge. Oh this is just too cool.... OMG....


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Wishing you a crafty day! 😊