
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sweet Wishes Card - TMS #487

Happy Tuesday! Is it me, or is January flying by? The weeks are going by really quickly! Now that I'm working part-time it definitely makes a difference in what I get accomplished at home. 😊

Today is the start of a new sketch challenge at Tuesday Morning Sketches. This week we are featuring Debbie's favorite sketch from 2018 and her pick was sketch #448. Click HERE for the original post from last April. The design team has some wonderful inspiration for you and you can find it and all the challenge details HERE. You have until Sunday 8 pm EST to link your creation. I hope you have time to play along!



  1. So LOVE this card......and that DSP paper - if I remember it's from K&Co. I had the entire collection...... Ha ha. Still might have a little bit left in my stash!

    Hugs ~ LJ

  2. Oh my word, this card is so sweet! That image is adorable and the paper is so cute and perfect for the image!

  3. Ditto all of the above, this is soooooo darn cute Andrea!!

  4. So cute! Adorable image, and your paper is a perfect match!

  5. Your card is adorable! The colors are so happy. That mouse looks like he can't wait to dive into that strawberry.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Wishing you a crafty day! 😊